
An End-to-End Testing framework of Nginx Configurations.

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Configuring Snow-Globe

Snow-Globe is configured through a YML file. The default file that is used is snow-globe.yml. Below are the different options available.

SnowGlobe will crawl your configuration for each test and build the temporary upstreams. So to be able to do that, it needs to have the upstreams define in a separate file that are not included in the configuration. We recommend that you have your upstreams in a separate directory. That makes it more simple to include/exclude files for the tests.

You can see an example Nginx setup in the exampleUsage directory.

The first part of the configuration is how we map your configuration files into the docker container. We use nginx.volume.mounts to map your local files into the path on the docker image. Here is an example:

  - "src/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"

The nginx.volume.mounts is an array of mappings. You can mount a single file, a directory, or a wildcard. One thing to note is that you can’t map your upstream file. SnowGlobe is going to build one for you and put it in. Here is an example mounts with different mapping techniques.

    - "src/nginx/*:/webApps/nginx/conf/"
    - "src/nginx/html:/webApps/nginx/conf/html"
    - "src/nginx/env/prod/*:/webApps/nginx/conf/env/prod/"
    - "src/nginx/env/prod/certs/:/webApps/nginx/conf/env/prod/certs/"
    - "src/nginx/env/prod/locations/:/webApps/nginx/conf/env/prod/locations/"
    - "src/nginx/env/prod/servers/:/webApps/nginx/conf/env/prod/servers/"
    - "src/scripts/"

Next up, you need to help SnowGlobe tell us where you put you upstream file(s). The field is upstream.file.path. This is done because SnowGlobe will generate one for you and drop it in for you. This is the file location on the deployed configuration, not the path for the source code. This value is optional and only needed if the configuration contains upstream blocks in the configuration.

upstream.file.path: "/etc/nginx/upstreams.conf"

The next two fields and define the “base” directory for you configuration. It is popular to use relative paths for includes and such. This gives SnowGlobe advice on how to interpret includes using a relative path: "src/integrationTestNginxConfig/" "/etc/nginx/"

After that, we need to know what container you are using to run Nginx. This field is nginx.container. This is an optional parameter with a default value being the one below:

nginx.container: "nginx"

This next part is the port mapping for traffic. This field is: nginx.url.port.mapping Most people send HTTPS -> 443 and HTTP -> 80. But we have had cases where this is not true. This section allows you to define the traffic and how you want to map it. You can define multiple patterns for the url and which port you route traffic. This will choose the first matching url pattern defined in the list. Order is important here.

This value is optional an below is the default setting:

  - https:
      pattern: "https:.*"
      port: 443
  - http:
      pattern: "http:.*"
      port: 80

This next field is the docker container to use for the upstream bounce service. This is the container that will pretend to be your upstream server and will bounce back the request in the body of the response. This allows the testing framework to assert on all parts of the request and response.

This is optional and below is the default:

upstream.bounce.image: "krogersnowglobe/upstream-bounce-app2:latest"

This next field defines how to start nginx. You may have a custom script that you use and this is where you run that.

This is optional and below is the default value:

nginx.start.command: ["nginx", "-g", "'daemon off;'"]

This next field tells SnowGlobe where to search when inspecting the configuration. Many times, this is just the nginx.conf or base file that is used for the configuration. If you deployment is more than just copying a directory, you will need to tell SnowGlobe where all of the moved files are.

    - "/src/integrationTestNginxConfig/nginx.conf"

This field will when set to true will output all logs from the framework and docker containers. This is optional and below is the default value:

snowglobe.log.output:  false

This field will preserve the compose and upstream files for help in investigating a problem: This is optional and below is the default value:

snowglobe.preserve.temp.files: false

This field will add upstream zones if you are using Nginx Plus and need a shared memory zone.

This is optional and below is the default value:

nginx.define.upstream.zones: false

This field will reload Nginx for each run. This can be useful if there active health checks that would take a upstream out of the pool if they are not configured for each test.

This is optional and below is the default value:

nginx.reload.onEachRun: false

This field allows the user to have a custom reload command. This can be useful when there is a custom file or other situations where the default “nginx -s reload” is not sufficient.

This is optional and below is the default value:

nginx.reload.customCommand: ["nginx", "-s", "reload"]

Next: Write the Tests